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- 1、因为飞机失事闻名的乐队?
- 2、绝地战警2的片尾曲叫什么
- 3、关于老牌摇滚明星..
- 4、世界最快的吉他手一秒几个音?
- 5、谁能用英语介绍michael angelo
- 6、Bang Your Head (Metal Health) (Quiet Riot) 歌词
在中国,Randy的知名度远远不如Van-Halen,但听过Ozzy的名曲"carzy train"以及历史上有名的古典小曲"Dee"之后,相信会有更多的朋友会喜欢上这位天才!
进入上个世纪八十年代后,最有影响力的重金属吉他手非eddie van halen莫数。正当无数的吉他手不亦乐乎地疯狂模仿van halen的双手点弦的技巧时,ozzy osbourne乐队的吉他手randy rhoads却始终坚持走着自己的道路,创造出自己的风格。他是第一位将古典音乐融入到演奏中的重金属吉他手(这种风格后来被另一位吉他快手yngwie malmsteen所沿袭)。尽管rhoads只出了寥寥几张专辑,但这已足以证明他在摇滚吉他上的成就,他在1982年悲剧性的去世,也为这位年轻的吉他大师蒙上了一层传奇的色彩。
randy rhoads于1956年12月6日出生在加利佛尼亚。他的母亲是个学校的音乐教师,在家庭的音乐气氛影响下,randy在10岁前就已经开始学习吉他。少年时期的randy对重摇滚音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,mountain,led zeppelin和alice cooper这些乐队那种前所未有的音色深深地吸引着他,也使他学习吉他的方向产生的改变。在参加了几支校园乐队之后,randy与一名歌手kevin dubrow组建了他们自己的乐队quiet riot。很快的,quiet riot便成为了当地很有名气的一支地下乐队,他们在洛杉矶各个俱乐部演出受欢迎的程度与当时未出名的van halen乐队不相上下,尽管那时在日落大道上占主流地位的音乐形式是新浪潮和朋克。
绝地战警2的片尾曲叫《Bad Boy》。
歌名:《Bad Boy》
歌手:Quiet Riot
所属专辑:《Condition Critical》
I thought that I was indestructible
But how could I imagine this
I never gave a second thought
Was only hit or miss
While you feed me and it feel so good
Does that mean that wrong is right?
Guess I got the warning
It happened overnight
Honey, it's only nasty
When it's nasty
And you know that it hurts
When it's right
I'm a bad boy
I'm a bad boy
They call me nasty
They call me bad
'Cause I'm a bad boy
I'm a bad boy
There are the good ways
To be a bad, bad boy
I'm a bad, bad boy
I'm a bad, bad boy
I'm a bad, bad boy
Well my behaviour has been in question
Since the day that I was born
I get on my knees to love and to please
Now you've been warned, yeah
Just pay the price if you don't ignite
Now they're trying to pick and choose
You may be the most and know the cost
Yes, come to you
Oh your eyes are on me now
My defence must be bad somehow
Bad boy
I'm a bad boy
Call me nasty
They call me bad
But I'm a bad boy
I'm a bad boy
There are the good ways
To be a bad, bad boy
I'm a bad, bad boy
Show me
And it's only nasty
When it's nasty
And you know that it hurts
When it's right, right, right, right, right
I'm a bad boy
I'm a bad boy
I found all the good ways
Oh show me
Bad boy
I'm a bad boy
I found all the good ways
To be a bad
'Cause I'm a bad boy
I'm a bad boy
Please call me nasty
Please call me bad
'Cause I'm a bad boy
I'm a bad boy
I found all the good ways
To be a bad, bad boy
I'm so bad
So so bad
I'm bad
I'm a bad, bad boy
I'm a bad, bad boy
Bob Dylan
鲍勃·迪伦 Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan 的原名是Robert Allen Zi-mmerman,1941年5月24日生于明尼苏达州的杜勒斯(Duluth),6 岁时全家移居到一个叫希宾(Hibbing)的靠近矿区的小镇上,少年时期的Dylan 只不过是一个喜爱音乐的平凡男孩,对乡村乐感兴趣。以Hank Will-iams, James Dean, Woody Guthrie, Robe-rt Johnson 和 ARTHAR Rimband为偶像。直到14岁时,Dylan在戏院里看到了《Blackb-oard Jungle》中的摇滚狂热, 从此他发现了音乐的另一种功能——它的社会学效应。摇流乐的歌词使人振奋,反映着青少年的个性、野心与叛逆。自此以后,希宾小镇再也拴不住他的心了。1961年1月,Bob Dylan从明尼苏达州立大学辍学,开始专心致力于歌唱工作,并来到纽约Cate Wha 民谣音乐城(Folk City)和煤气灯(Gaslight)等著名的表演场所演出。由于 Dylan的民谣歌曲受到知识分子的喜爱与支持,CBS的制作人John Hammond 与他正式签定了合约,不久Albert Closeman 担任了Dylan的经纪人。此刻的Dylan是民谣风暴的煽动者,CBS 公司旗下最受重视的新人,也是年轻一代民谣歌手中最具潜力、呼声最高的艺人。Bob Dylan 的处世作《Bon Dylan》于1962年发表。其中收录了Woody Guthrie 推崇的《Song To Wood》和谈纽约生活感触的《Talking New York》,整张专辑的风格,带有浓厚的Woody Guthrie式民谣气息。 另一方面 Dylan也采取客观的立场,来审视当时政治及社会事件,创作了不朽名曲《Blo-wing Changin》,一跃而成为超级巨星。Bob早期的一些作品是以传统旋律为基础的,后来逐渐吸取了乡村音乐的因素和黑人音乐并加以创新。Dylan 的抗议歌曲对当时青年人的心灵起了巨大的震憾作用,因而促使六十年代美国青年的大觉醒。他在六十年代后期 的创作开始自我回归,具有宗教式的超脱感。1965年8 月,Dylan的专辑《High way 61 Revisited》发表,获得好评, 此时他的身价已跃升到了流行音乐的顶点,并正式确立了摇滚音乐家的地位。七十年代Dylan 的作品吸收了Jazz 和Blues的元素,歌词充满了
哲理性,带动了七十年代的美国青年,也不再是反抗的狂热者,而是逐渐安定下来,出现了哲理性的趋向。纵观其音乐生涯,Bob Dylan 真正赋予了摇滚乐以灵魂。
2):Elvis Presley
“猫王”原名艾尔维斯.普莱斯利,1935年1月8日出生 于美国南方的一个小村镇,叫图普洛。二次大战结束后,猫王随父母迁徙到田纳西州孟菲斯市。猫王的父亲是个卡车司机,经常失业,一家人在生活中很少看到玫瑰色。16岁时,他就开始干活,或给有钱人修剪草坪,或开卡车,挣点钱贴补家用。孟菲斯市位于密西西比河畔。这是一座痛苦的城市,也是布鲁斯音乐(一种伤感的美国黑人民歌)的故乡。猫王从小喜欢音乐。夜晚,他听当地广播电台放的音乐节目,黑奴后裔们唱的福音赞美诗使他身心愉悦。后来,他得到一把吉他,就自己弹弄。
Iggy Pop
1947年4月21日,在美国密歇根州底特律市的一个小镇上,“朋克之父”——Iggy Pop(伊基·波普)出生了,他的父亲是一名英国移民,母亲则是一个本地人。在The Doors乐队的影响下,Iggy与来自Chosen Few乐队的Ron Asheton共同成立了名为Psychedelic Stooges的乐队。Iggy做新乐队的吉他手和主唱,Asheton出任贝斯手,不久后Asheton的兄弟Scott成为了乐队的鼓手。1967年的万圣节期间,Psychedelic Stooges乐队推出了他们首张专辑。70年代末期兴起的朋克浪潮吸引了Iggy Pop,1977年,Bowie和The Stooges来到柏林录制了专辑《The Idiot》以及《Lust For Life》,而Bowie则出任乐队的键盘手。其中歌曲“Nightclubbing”、 “The Passenger”以及“China Girl”被誉为The Stooges
的柏林三部曲。70年代末期Iggy与Arista唱片签约,与Glen Matlock以及Ivan Kral乐队合作发行了系列专辑。1982Iggy离开摇滚乐坛,开始着手编写自传。在离开的这段时间内,Iggy也戒除了毒瘾而且结婚了。1985年Iggy出山,与Steve Jones乐队合作发行了一系列专辑。尽管Iggy Pop以及The Stooges已经老去,但我们永远不能忘记他们对现在以至将来摇滚乐的深远影响。
推荐专辑:《The Idiot》1977、《Brick By Brick》1990
相似艺人:David Johansen、The New York Dolls、Lou Reed、Ian Hunter、Mott the Hoople
音乐根源:The Doors、The Rolling Stones、The Velvet Underground、The Who
James Taylor(詹姆斯 泰勒)
Michael Jackson
麦克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson) 迈克尔·杰克逊是80年代美国最令人瞩目的超级歌星,1958年生于一个多子女的黑人家庭。父亲曾是乐队的吉他后,杰克逊与4个哥哥自幼喜欢摆弄乐器,弹唱娱乐。在父亲的培育下,他7岁就与兄长一起首次登台演唱,12岁时,“杰克逊五兄弟”演唱组已经是闻名全美,唱片售出数百万张。1982年,迈克尔在昆西·琼斯导演的黑人音乐片《小天才》中,扮演角色,并在昆西·琼斯的帮助下灌录了第一张个人专辑唱片《离开大墙(Off The Wall),发行量1300万张。当年12月,他的歌曲《颤栗者》(Thriller)轰动整个西方流行乐坛,其单曲唱片的发行量达3000万张,创世界最高纪录,并获各国赠送的黄金和白金唱片100多张。迈克尔第年都要到世界各地巡回演出,并以他独创的新颖奇特的“太空舞步”(Moon Walk)使千万乐迷为之倾倒。他的MTV《周末夜晚的狂热》(Saturday Night Feaver)也创MTV录像带的销售纪录。 迈克尔出唱片的频率不快,到1987年,他的第2张个人专辑《真棒》(Bad)才发行,世界各国再度括起一阵迈克尔的旋风。他的第三张专辑唱片《危险》(Dangerous)直到1991年岁末才迟迟推出,其中的歌曲《黑人和白人》(Black and White)3个星期内就售出1000万张,再创单曲唱片发行的世界纪录。1995年,他推出了第4张个人专辑《历史:过去、现在和未(History ast、Preseent and Future,book I)。迈克尔以他独特的嗓音,夸张而出色的舞姿,富有个性的服饰和表演,多年来称霸流行乐坛,1985年,迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂纳尔·里奇共同谱写,由美国45位歌星联合演唱,昆西·琼斯负责制作的,为求援非洲饥民而义卖的唱片《天下一家》(We Are The World),震撼了亿万人的心,风靡全球。
作者: lijiapu 2005-11-27 11:01 回复此发言
3 摇滚明星全介绍(1)
迈克尔·杰克逊主演的电影《比利·吉恩》(Billie Jean)曾获奥斯卡最佳短片奖。
(因为家人跟「白鲸记MobyDick」的作者HermanMelville有亲戚关系)童年:两岁时,在大学教化学的父亲在一场车祸中丧生,莫比由母亲、外祖父母带大,家住康乃狄克州郊区,受母亲的朋友影响,习惯过着反波希米亚文化的生活。他在8岁时就开始自己写歌了。Moby全靠波西米亚式的母亲Betsy将他一手拉扯大。她母亲是位画家兼钢琴手,打扮得嬉皮味十足,并且经常带小Moby去参加摇滚音乐会。这对他以后的从艺历程有着举足轻重的影响。 Moby的现场演出是长久以来最感性、最煽情的。这在电子音乐中很罕见。在现场,“Porcelain”(瓷器)显得很缠绵,叫人惊叹莽撞小子也能捣鼓出如此简约的旋律来;“Go”(行)带有19世纪经典歌曲的味道;“Honey”则加快了速度,闯进了punk-blues的地界。Moby毫无表情地站在键盘后,沐浴在豪华的声音景观中。
王子(Prince)全名为Prince Rogers
Nelson, 1958年6月初出生于美国明尼苏达州(Minnesota)的一个爵士乐手家庭, 唱歌,弹琴是他逃离家庭不和睦的好方法。1976年,Prince年移居纽约,组织起《香槟酒》乐队,在夜总会演唱,为他今后的音乐生涯打基础。1978年华纳唱片公司推出了他的第一张专辑《For You》,同时单曲《Soft And Wet》 在RB榜上创下了不错的成绩,不久又推出《Controversy》,《Prince》和《1999》逐渐在乐坛树立起自己的形象。Prince的最终胜利是1984年的《紫雨》(Purple Rain)。这是一部半自传式的影片,讲述了一位来自贫民区的孩子通过自己的努力获得成功的故事。同名音乐专辑一经推出,即刻成为全美红极一时的唱片集,其中的《当鸽子哭泣时》一曲中,怪诞的节奏,和醉意浓重的嗓音营造了一种全新的音乐风格,成为1984年的最佳曲目,并使Prince获得第27届葛莱美最佳摇滚组合奖和奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖。这使他跃升为超级巨星,攀上了个人演唱事业的顶峰。1988年Prince举行了一场规模盛大的以“neupioneer.com好”为名的演唱会,以摇滚乐的独特视角展现了现代人对性的观念。1989年,P-rince 为电影《蝙蝠侠》创作的主题曲《蝙蝠舞》闯入了排行榜前列,取得了不凡的成绩。而他的最新单曲《Seven》已经杀入Bi-llboard AT40三甲之内,Prince也是流行乐坛上第一位连续11年拥有10大作品的音乐人。prince这位与Michael Jackson 分庭抗礼的
Tom Waits
Tom Waits(汤姆.威兹)的音乐风格不全是爵士时而摇滚、时而电子,有时抒情像个诗人、有时民谣起来像巴布.狄伦式的说书人但都颓废的可以。歌曲内容也多描写失意、绝望、社会中下阶层人们生活的缩影常是他笔下的题材。不仅音乐上、形象上亦是如此:拉遢的衣着、不修边幅、永远懒洋洋、永远刁根烟…;威兹嗓音较起路易.阿姆斯特朗有过之而无不及,却没有到洛.史都华沙哑的地步,只能以粗糙来形容,如同光着脚走在砂石地上的感觉。1949年12月7日出生于加州的汤姆.魏兹在乐坛上就是这么独具特色,因此拥有着一批死忠歌迷。汤姆.威兹一直在烟雾弥漫的小酒馆中演唱,Rickie Lee Jones(瑞克.李.琼丝)曾跟他一起表演过,从1979年Jones出版的首张同名专辑里就可发现他们两人相近的乐风。汤姆.威兹的音乐分野在1980年,在此之前是Asylum唱片时期(隶属华纳旗下)音乐上较有浓厚酒馆音乐风格;八○年代之后跳槽Island唱片,乐器使用较复杂,乐风也比较多变,为电影配乐、音乐剧的产生、演电影、打入英国音乐市场都在这时期。《Used Songs 1973-1980》精选了汤姆.威兹在华纳唱片期间所出的七张专辑中的十六首歌曲,不敢说是畅销曲,因为多年来纵使专辑出版近二十张,两次拿到葛莱美:一次在1992年以《Bone Machine》得最佳另类专辑;1999再以《Mule Variations》得到最佳现代民谣专辑,不过威兹始终未曾发行流行单曲。这些歌曲里大家熟悉的应该有三首分别被老鹰合唱团、“工人皇帝“布鲁斯.史宾斯汀、洛.史都华翻唱过的"Ol 55"、"Jersey Girl"和"Tom Trauberts Blues"。其它都是汤姆.威兹以钢琴、吉他伴随着简单节拍唱出一段段为生活奋斗的故事。
那个视频你可以看一下。百度 吉他速弹记录
这样我们就可以知道 1秒的拍数 340/60=5.66666
5.666(6循环小数)排里的音符=5.6666(6循环小数)X 4
= 22.66666(6循环小数)个音
所以一秒里大概是 22.6666666 个音。。
谁能用英语介绍michael angelo
全名是:Michael Angelo Batio
Michael invented and was the world’s first player of the twin-necked, left and right-handed Double-Guitar. He plays the guitar right or left-handed. He also plays both guitars together in harmonies or two separate parts together at the same time.
Michael invented the String Dampeners that he uses on the Double-Guitar.
Michael has a patent on the String Dampeners.
Michael invented his signature stage move called the “MAB Over-Under” technique.
Michael started his own record label “M.A.C.E. Music” in 1993 and was one of the first music companies to go on line in 1996. M.A.C.E Music is now an established, successful company.
The February 2006 issue of Guitar Player Magazine has a feature article on Michael Angelo Batio focusing on his “Hands Without Shadows” CD.
MAB has had feature articles in all 3 of the major USA Guitar Magazines, (Guitar World, Guitar Player and Guitar One) within the last year.
Michael, like Joe Satriani also has a famous guitar student! Michael taught (Rage Against The Machine and AudioSlave) guitaristTom Morello while Michael was attending college. Tom has credited MAB with teaching him in a feature article in Guitar World Magazine in 2005.
On October 27th, 2005 Michael released his critically acclaimed “Hands Without Shadows” CD. This is Michael’s most ambitious work to date featuring guest appearances by Mark Tremonti of Alter Bridge and Creed, Rudy Sarzo of Ozzy, Whitesnake and Quiet Riot, Doug Marks, founder of Metal Method, virtuoso guitarist Bill Peck and more. Bobby Rock played drums on the entire CD. The primary bassist William Kopecky is a 6 string and fretless virtuoso.
In October 2005, Guitar World Magazine launched a cable TV show on the Comcast Cable network with MAB having an 11 minute segment on the show. The top 3 video segments in terms of popularity and viewer ship were Zakk Wylde, Michael Angelo Batio and Steve Vai coming in at numbers 1, 2 and 3 with Dave Mustaine at no. 4.
Guitar World Magazine’s July 2005 issue featured Michael in a major 6 page article plus a 2 page “collectors choice” color poster of his famous Dean Double-Guitar. In addition to this there was a full page Dean Guitars ad featuring Michael as well as a Metal Method ad also featuring Michael. Guitar World Magazine called Michael “the most blazing guitarist on the planet” in this issue. This was huge!
Guitar One Magazine wrote several articles on Michael in 2005. They also mentioned Michael in other columns (in 2005).
Guitar One Magazine voted Michael the no. 1 Shredder of ALL TIME in their April 2003 issue. Other notable guitarists that made the top 10 were John Petrucci, Paul Gilbert, Buckethead, (the late, great) Shawn Lane and Yngwie Malmsteen.
Guitar World Magazine, Jan 2004 issue, names Michael Angelo Batio’s “Speed Kills” one of the “75 Essential Guitar DVD’s”. Guitar World and a host of rock giants named their favorite guitar DVD’s. “Speed Kills”, Michael’s instructional DVD is in the category “Master Classes” with B.B King, Flea, Frank Gambale and John Petrucci. Guitar World calls “Speed Kills”:
“The ultimate face-melting instructional DVD”.
Guitar World Magazine (March 2004 issue) names Michael Angelo Batio one of the “Top 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists of All Time”. Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath), Edward Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page were among the 100 chosen. Everyone from CNN to Yahoo on-line has talked and written about this.
Michael was honored by the G Martell University in Mexico City, Mexico in September 2003. They named a classroom in his honor and placed his hand prints in cement displaying them on their “Walk of Fame”.
Michael released 2 DVDs in 2003. “Speed Kills” and “Speed Lives”.
Both are in conjunction with Doug Marks and Metal Method Productions.
FHM Magazine, November issue 2003 named Michael and his “Quad” guitar one of the top 50 most outrageous moments in rock history! The Beatles, Elvis Presley, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Bob Dylan, Metallica, Axel Rose, The Eagles and many more were also named to the list. Halle Berry is featured on the cover.
Michael started playing piano and composing at age 5 and started playing guitar at age 10.
Michael has had 2 major label record deals. Atlantic Records with the band “Holland” and Rhino/Warner Brothers Records with the band “Nitro”.
Michael won the WAMI 2004 Guitarist of the Year award. He also performed at the awards show.
Michael has performed over 1200 shows in 39 different countries since 1993. He has toured the world performing guitar workshops for Dean Guitars, touring with various bands and as a solo artist. The 39 countries he has toured in are: U.S.A (44 states including Alaska), ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, WALES, BELGIUM, HOLLAND, SPAIN, ITALY, PORTUGAL, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, FINLAND, DENMARK, SWITZERLAND, LITHUANIA, CANADA, MEXICO, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, RUSSIA, FRANCE, PERU, The CANARY ISLANDS, TURKEY, JAPAN, CHINA, The PHILIPPINES, MALAYSIA, BRAZIL, EL SALVADOR, TAIWAN, HONG KONG, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, SWEDEN, NORWAY, HUNGARY and SLOVAKIA.
Michael toured in Europe with the late, legendary Jimi Hendrix Experience Bass player Noel Redding in winter of 1999.
June 1995, Michael's first solo CD "No Boundaries" was released worldwide on Michael’s label M.A.C.E. Music, Inc. Records. “No Boundaries” is considered by many to be one of the best instrumental electric guitar CDs of it’s kind ever recorded.
Michael started as a session guitarist when he was 19 years old. He has recorded TV, radio and industrial film music for: Burger King, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC, United Airlines, United Way, McDonalds and the Chicago Wolves hockey team among others.
Michael starred in the made for cable movie "Shock'em Dead". The movie played on Showtime, Cinemax, The Movie Channel and Pay-Per-View.
The band "Nitro" (with Michael on guitar) released the disc "O.F.R." on Rhino/Capital records. Michael produced the record and it "hit" the Billboard charts. "Nitro" made 3 MTV video's, hosted MTV's "Headbangers Ball" (where Michael played live) and toured to sold-out shows everywhere.
Michael has a no.1, best-selling "Star-Licks" instructional video. This the FIRST “shred” instructional video, showing for the first time concepts such as arpeggio “sweeps”, advanced Alternate picking, the applications of “Economy of Motion”, PPS (potential picking speed) and practicing the Tremolo. People like John Petrucci, Dimebag, Michael Romeo and more learned from this groundbreaking instructional program. Over 100,000 videos have been sold worldwide. This video was Star Licks no.1 bestseller for 2 years straight!
Michael is from Chicago and has a B.A. in Music Theory and Composition from Northeastern Illinois University.
At 14 MAB was playing Jazz and by 16 won an award for outstanding Jazz soloist on guitar.
Bang Your Head (Metal Health) (Quiet Riot) 歌词
歌曲名:Bang Your Head (Metal Health) (Quiet Riot)
专辑:The Second Coming A Millenium Tribute To 80's Hard Rock Heavy Metal
Dope Stars Inc - Bang Your Head
I'm tired to serve.
I'm tired to please.
I'm tired to yell to take some breath.
Oh i just found a way to kill my rage.
I'm very proud, according to myself,
To throw it out, with violence it smash
Down to the ground and purify my head.
I'm tired to serve
I'm tired to please
I'm tired to yell to take some breath
Fucking dumb asshole
You're not my lord
I'm not your lad
Just bang your head
Oh i just found a way to keep my rage
Contained down and ready to be spread
Hey against a crowd of people i can't stand
Hey bunch of clowns it's time to take revenge
I'm tired to serve
I'm tired to please
I'm tired to yell to take some breath
Fucking dumb asshole
You're not my lord
I'm not your lad
Just bang your head
I can't resist to own this hate anymore
And keep this anger play with me countless games
I want to burn in hell where all this anger dwells
And bring myself away from here
I'm tired to serve
I'm tired to please
I'm tired to yell to take some breath
Fucking dumb asshole
You're not my lord
I'm not your lad
Just bang your head
Just bang your head
Just bang your head
Just bang your head
Just bang your head