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吴静2023-03-30 17:50:06吉他知识309












All hands on deck

All Hands On Deck - Tinashe

All in front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that like that

All in the front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind like that

Wasted hard

When you left me you left me with no choice

I'm looking for a boy to fill this empty void

Kiss the old me goodbye she's dead and gone dead and gone oh

Wasted hard

You took the last bit of love I've ever had

You took a good girl and you turned me oh so bad

Kiss the old me goodbye she's dead and gone dead and gone oh

All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that like that

All in the front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind like that

All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that like that

All in the front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind like that

Wasted hard

Done this too till death do us apart

I watch you fold like a house of cards

Kiss the old me goodbye she's dead and gone dead and gone dead and gone

One by one I watch you fall down watch you fall like dominoes

Take no prisoners search and destroy

Baby look at what you've done

One by one I watch 'em go down watch 'em fall like dominoes

Watch 'em go down watch 'em go down watch 'em go down

All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that like that

All in the front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind like that

And you know that I tried

Really gave my all

Everything we built

Baby you let it fall you let it fall

And now you want me

Want me back now

And the thing that's so funny

Is baby I'm long gone I'm long gone

All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that like that

All in the front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind like that

All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that like that

All in the front all in the back just like that like that

I'm a blow your mind like that

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